Monday, November 22, 2010

random pictures

Grandma and Skylie

Grandma and Jake

Grandpa and Jaclyn

Gibb Family

The Werslands

I think it was Egan who used to call you Grandma & Grandpa "Give" when he was younger. I didn't want to correct him because it's such an appropriate name for you. You truly do "give" so much! I am so grateful that even though we lived far apart when we were growing up, we were able to enjoy visits from you at our house and also our summer visits to the farm as well. There are so many fond memories that I will always cherish....watching grandpa in his garden and seeing grandma water her beautiful flowers; playing with cousins; roasts at the river bottom; 4-wheeler rides; whole-wheat pancakes with chokecherry syrup and Grandma always making sure no one is hungry or bored. Thank you for these and so many more priceless memories from summers at the farm and for putting up with the chaos that came with them! Thank you for your unconditional love and genuine concern for everyone's happiness and well-being. Thank you for raising a wonderful family full of kind, fun, accepting and loving people (of which includes my fabulous mom). Thank you for your never-ending love and support for my mom as she raised us on her own.  And above all, thank you for dedicating your lives to living the gospel, for your righteous examples and your wonderful legacy.
I love you,
Angie (& Lance, Kendal, Caleb, Egan and Gavin Wersland)

Celeste Burnham

Random pictures from Tracie

Cousins loading up to go tubing
Grandma, Grandpa, Kadie, Micah

Christmas morning 2004

Grandma and Kash

I love these crocheted dresses that Grandma makes. Something that I will
 always treasure.   Grandma, Grandpa, Skylie

Steve and Tracie Holland

Haylie, 10 years
Micah, 9 years

Briggs, 8 years

Skylie, 5 years
Summer, 4 years

Kash, 2 years