Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"In a Minute"

 The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of these 2 people, are flash backs to when I was younger.  My flashback for grandpa is me standing behind him on the couch with his body leanging against my legs waiting patiently to get his hair done.  His legs crossed, hands in lap, and tongue swishing back and forth between his lips. We would both be in this position for hours while I would comb his 8 strands of hair back and forth.  I even remember putting all my pink bows and ribbons on those strands, and not so much as a flinch would come from grandpa.  I actually know on several occations he fell asleep, and I would still do his hair like my life depended on it. 

My flashback for grandma immediately goes back to the sound of her voice before bed.  We would beg her to tell the story of "In a Minute".  I can remember her voice as she said, "in a minute.." with that high pitched, whiny voice..mimicking that little girl that refused to put her bird in the cage so the cat wouldn't eat it.  Thinking about her telling that story right now almost soothes me. Or maybe just the thought of listening to her talk soothes me.

Awhile back, me and Brad sat in bed telling each other stories that our parents would tell us back when we were younger. Of course I couldn't help but tell the story of "in a minute..." to Brad. After the story we both started laughing.  Brad said while laughing, "we HAVE to tell that story to our kids".  I not only loved being able to remember that story so fondly, but I love that Brad wants to carry that traditional story on to our kids as well.  And we will!

We both love them beyond words and hope with all our lives we can carry on their examples through our lives.  One of my only regrets in life is that I wish I could have lived closer to them.  I love you both with all my heart.

Melissa and Brad

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