Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jennie and Jeff Whitehead

 I have so many memories of Grandma and Grandpa. The first isn't really a memory but more of just.... a thought. I think most of the cousins feel the same way but Grandma and grandpa's house was always my favorite place to be. Given the choice of anywhere and being with the family at Grandma and Grandpa's... we pick Gran and Gramps!
 I always remember waking up to the smell of Grandma making pancakes, even now if we stay we get them! I remember how Grandpa without fail would say the morning prayer before we ate and would always include us by name in his prayer.
 I remember riding on 'big red' with Grandpa driving and Brette on the back going down to the river... I was so scared of that big hill down, so Grandpa pretended that the brakes didn't work... he was always so funny, a quiet funny that I love.
 I remember playing Pit with Grandma and all the cousins, she would let us get loud and would get right in with us. I remember playing cards and how she would never skip anyone because she would feel so bad... then I saw her play with the 'big girls' and she whipped them so hard, and gave them a huge lesson in shoot the moon. I had no idea grandma had it in her... and I loved it!

You have taught us so much. Hard work, dedication, enduring to the end, love, kindness, and humility. I think the biggest thing we have learned from you is the importance of family. I think we would all drop almost everything for the chance to be all together, that is your legacy, and I love you and thank you for it.

                                            Love Jennie, Jeff, Abbey, Griffy and Bauer Whitehead.

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